Starting a blog with WordPress 3 point oh

In this post I am going to walk you through on how to download and install WordPress 3.x for the first time.

In this post I am going to walk you through on how to download and install WordPress for the first time. Even Especially if you’ve never done it before.

This tutorial is going to be for WordPress version 3.x and above.

Step 1

In this step, I am going to assume that you’ve already bought your domain name and chosen a host. If not, don’t worry, I’d like to make a quick suggestion to InMotion Hosting (our host) or (whom I met this past weekend at WordCampSF).

Now, on with Step 1.1
If you’re new at this, head to WordPress dot org download page and click the lovely blue download button at mid-top right. You should now have the latest WordPress version on your local drive!

Another side note

If you’ve decided to go with InMotion Hosting, I know that you can access your file manager from your cpanel and upload the zip and have the server extract the zipped file for you. But that’s another tutorial.

You man also not be aware of FTP, but you’ll have to unzip your WordPress download, and upload the files inside the wordpress folder directly into the root of your server.

Some servers root names may vary. Examples: public_html, html, public, www.

And that’s it, you’ve made it through the first step.

Step 2

Here’s were it gets tricky gets easier with WordPress 3.x! With out actually adding, or editing the wp-config.php file, WordPress will add and modify it on it’s own.

There is no wp-config.php file
WordPress detected there is no wp-config.php file

Just click “Create a Configuartion File”..

Automatically create a wp-config.php file

Then, “Let’s Go!”..

Enter your database info for your wp-config.php
Enter your MySQL database info

Be sure you enter your correct info you’ve attained from you web host. And..

The info and wp-config.php was created
You've made it through the installation.

Step 3

WordPress installs used to take a long while. Now, not so much.. to think of more steps to make…

Thought? Questions? Leave them below..


πŸ’πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Husband to Jeana.
⚾️ Dodgers & Brewers.
πŸ’» PHP Engineer.
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Articles: 295

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