How to mod an Air Hogs A-10 Warthag

Yesterday I modified my Air Hogs A-10 Warthog by moving the battery back about 5 inches to create better weight distribution. Here are a few photos and a video on how to accomplish this.

I tried to get a few more photo’s but got side tracked by the video and finalization. One thing I noticed now is that the plane flies a lot better! But, it still has issues when making hard turns. I think this has to do with the ducted fan engines being so close together, that the plane just wants to dive.

I’ve seen other people on YouTube modify their Air Hogs with an additional tail wing(s) to help stabilize it. So I may try that. Let me know what you think.


πŸ’πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Husband to Jeana.
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