I took this post from my Frosty Web Designs Blog which I am not posting to anymore. I will be using it strictly as my portfolio site.
So I was browsing around online for some new code. I wanted to change the rollover state of the navigation menu depending on which page you were on. So I did a search for Wordress dynamic class. That let me to Elliot Jay Stocks, where he had an article about dynamic body classes. I wasn’t wanting to change the body class or id of my site, but it was in the right direction.
After reading the article and browsing the comments I saw a link to Conditional Tags on WordPress’ Codex. After searching for the terms I was going to use I had to write the PHP code. I went over to php.net to visit the code for if
I used the following php structured code:
$b) { echo "a is bigger than b"; $b = $a; } ?>
To apply the code to my page I inserted;
if (is_page('about')) {
Now where is_page asks the web site if the page that is loaded is the page titled about, then do what ever code it followed, such as:
if (is_page('about')) { echo "page_item_current";
Now if the page about is loaded inside the browser, echo (write)
So lets see what comes next.
if (is_page('about')) { echo "page_item_current"; } else { echo "page_item"; }
So in the final code you will see the first line asking if the current page loaded it about, and telling the page to write (echo) the class page_item_currentBut, if the current page you are on is not the page about, then just write page_item.
The final code will be placed in between the class quotes where ever you need to use Conditional Tags.
my final code:
The next step is changing you CSS in your stylesheet to display your current page.
My CSS code looked like this:
#menu a:hover { background-position: left bottom; } #menu .page_item_current a { background-position: left bottom; }
[…] you see in a previous post “Conditional Tags”, I am using the WP-Syntax: Syntax highlighting using GeSHi supporting a wide range of popular […]