Honeymoon and WCMIA

Help Jeana and myself go on our honeymoon and make WordCamp Miami.

Today, I want to ask all of my blog readers, social networking friends and charitable strangers if they’ll help out just a bit.

Over the new year Jeana and myself got married! We had a small wedding in Vegas then held a family reception a few weeks ago at a local winery my girlfriend wife is a member of.

I am a total nut for WordPress, and have it intertwined in my life. So when we finally decided on a honeymoon location (Aruba) I noticed that we would be passing by Miami around the time of WordCamp. So I politely hinted at the possibility to extend our stay at the end of the honeymoon (not before) to stay a night or two in the Miami area.

Have I helped you out before?

Have you used one of my 9 public plugins on WordPress.org which combined have more than 321,700 downloads?

Most of our budget for our honeymoon to Aruba is gone. But we love to stay in Miami and celebrate with our web friends who couldn’t make either of our receptions.

Just a few in-kind donations could help us stay that extra night or two.

Helping out in any way

I’ll gladly link to your site or social networking profile in a blog post or tweet.

Contribute $50+

So it’s not just a donation. If you like you can have any “2-5 sites” licensed plugin listed on Extendd; A Premium plugin marketplace authored by me with a 2 year license.

Contribute $100+

So it’s not just a donation. If you like you can have any “unlimited sites” licensed plugin on Extendd; A Premium plugin marketplace authored by me with a 2 year license.

Even if you can’t help financially, please help out and tweet this to your Twitter followers or share it on Facebook.

Thank you in advance for contributing to the honeymoon donations fund.

Austin & Jeana Passy.


πŸ’πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Husband to Jeana.
⚾️ Dodgers & Brewers.
πŸ’» PHP Engineer.
πŸŒπŸΌβ€β™‚οΈGolfer; ~13 HDC.
🌱 Hydroponic Gardner.
🍿 Plex nerd.
πŸš™ '15 WRX, '22 Model 3 LR, & '66 Corvette C2.

Follow me on Twitter @TheFrosty & Instagram @TheFrosty.

Articles: 295