Santa Monica Senior WordPress Developer
Santa Monica Senior WordPress Developer
Tag WordPress
Custom Login version 0.4.8
I know it’s a quick turnaround from 0.4.7, but version 0.4.8 of my Custom Login plugin is up and has one new feature. The ability to quick preview your design in a Thickbox window. So if you
Custom Login version 0.4.7
I just uploaded version 0.4.7 of my Custom Login plugin to the repository and it seems it’s already dropped! So if you’ve go the plugin installed, check your auto updater! UPDATE UPDATE! Some new features include: Added ability to use…
Feeling rare and daring, again
Remind you of something? Just a simple statement that I am a little bit daring, and am running WordPress
WordCamp comes to Los Angeles
Well, after month of planning, WordCampLA is finally days away. This WordCamp idea was born after I attended WordCamp in Las Vegas. But that was nine months ago. It’s now September, Labor Day has passed and that means the the…
Annoyance: WordPress fatal error on image.php
I find my self uploading less and less gallery style images to my photo weblog of the “night before” and my little vacation trips because I keep running into this: Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 34340864) (tried to allocate…
My Custom Login plugin for WordPress
Since WordPress 2.5, I’ve been using a custom login plugin for myself and my clients. It changed the default WordPress login screen. Well after some careful thought I finally decided to release my plugin to the community. While the version…
An Eventbrite Plugin for WordPress
Over the past few weeks, I was trying to devise a way to show the attendee’s from an Eventbrite event. Eventbrite allows you to view your attendees in RSS form. I decided to create a plugin for WordPress to make…
Running with scissors, is rare
The title isn’t entirely true, just a simple statement that I am a little bit daring, and am running WordPress’ version 2.9-rare. Really, check out my source code.