List all Blogs WordPress Multisite in WordPress admin bar
List all Blogs (sites) in a WordPress Multisite and show them in the WordPress admin bar.
Santa Monica Senior WordPress Developer
Santa Monica Senior WordPress Developer
Been working on a redesign of the site for a few months and decided to Activate it today. Welcome to iteration six. This is about the time I slowly move functions from my theme into my functionality plugin. I knowβ¦
The first company I ever started with Inebriated Inc. It started as a clothing company in 2005 and grew into an events and promotions business. I’ve had a surplus of left over clothing for a few years and I thinkβ¦
As of October 2015, I’ve put these in a drawer since I updated to the iPhone 6. At the time there was not a case to hold the lenses. I’ve since upgraded to these clip on lenses. Yesterday, after aβ¦