Santa Monica Senior WordPress Developer
Santa Monica Senior WordPress Developer
Category General
Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse
Honeymoon and WCMIA
Wedding Cake
Clayton Kershaw Sticker Apple MacBook Pro
Lord of the Rings Tattoo
Introducting Version 7
Design Version 6
Been working on a redesign of the site for a few months and decided to Activate it today. Welcome to iteration six. This is about the time I slowly move functions from my theme into my functionality plugin. I knowβ¦
Dodger Stadium in a different light
Photojojo iPhone Lens Wallet with Lenses review
As of October 2015, I’ve put these in a drawer since I updated to the iPhone 6. At the time there was not a case to hold the lenses. I’ve since upgraded to these clip on lenses. Yesterday, after aβ¦
Spring cleaning WordCamp shirts
The Countdown to Midnight in Vegas
Like my recent trip to Vegas, I compiled about 400 photos into a thirty second video clip around Midnight at the Aria Hotel & Casino in Vegas. [youtube-white-label id=”DqyLzz32D_Q” height=”” width=”” autohide=”1″ autoplay=”0″ controls=”0″ branding=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showinfo=”0″ thanks=”1″ autosize=”1″β¦