Reset all posts featured images

Messed up featured images? Here is a code snippet to update every WordPress featured image in your posts.

Recently I changed some code that had an empty value in the post ID. That made the function unable to set a featured image in the current post. What ended up happening was the most recent image got set as the featured post for EVERY POST, on EVERY update. Oops.

Here is a snippet to fix the problem:

Not sure what happened to the code…


πŸ’πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Husband to Jeana.
⚾️ Dodgers & Brewers.
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Articles: 295


Daniel Dvorkin

Oh, I had a very similar issue a few months ago. This would do the same trick, very quick:

DELETE FROM wp_postmeta
WHERE  meta_key = '_thumbnail_id';

INSERT INTO wp_postmeta
SELECT post_parent,
FROM   wp_posts
WHERE  post_type = 'attachment'
   AND post_mime_type LIKE '%image%'
   AND post_parent > 0
   AND post_parent NOT IN (SELECT post_id
                           FROM   wp_postmeta
                           WHERE  meta_key = '_thumbnail_id')
GROUP  BY post_parent;
Daniel Dvorkin

Oh, I had a very similar issue a few months ago. This would do the same trick, very quick:

DELETE FROM wp_postmeta
WHERE  meta_key = '_thumbnail_id';

INSERT INTO wp_postmeta
SELECT post_parent,
FROM   wp_posts
WHERE  post_type = 'attachment'
   AND post_mime_type LIKE '%image%'
   AND post_parent > 0
GROUP  BY post_parent;

and adding:

AND post_parent NOT IN (SELECT post_id
                           FROM   wp_postmeta
                           WHERE  meta_key = '_thumbnail_id')

to the last SELECT will do this only if the post doesn’t have a featured image already.


I’m facing the same problem.
i need this code more than anything…


I just transferred my blog and have an problem. My images are not showing up in the posts and my featured image is not showing up. I have tried fixes,plugins is there a code I can use or a plugin that will fix the problem. Thanks

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