Photos from WordCamp LA

After a few hectic weeks, things have finally settled down for me. WordCamp LA went very smooth and I know everyone had a blast! Check out the lot of photo's from the event.

After a few hectic weeks, things have finally settled down for me. WordCamp LA went very smooth and I know everyone had a blast!

As usual I was working, making announcement and running back an forth between sessions. But I found time to take some crowd shots. I did however get quite a few from Friday’s theme workshop and WordCamp day. But, the bulk of photos I took were from the after party at Brennan’s Pub and the WordCamp LA Party bus (#wclapartybus)!

So, I’ll be frugal in publishing some of these photo’s, especially the one super awesome video from the party bus. So enjoy.


πŸ’πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Husband to Jeana.
⚾️ Dodgers & Brewers.
πŸ’» PHP Engineer.
πŸŒπŸΌβ€β™‚οΈGolfer; ~13 HDC.
🌱 Hydroponic Gardner.
🍿 Plex nerd.
πŸš™ '15 WRX, '22 Model 3 LR, & '66 Corvette C2.

Follow me on Twitter @TheFrosty & Instagram @TheFrosty.

Articles: 295

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